Using Science to Act on Gun Control Saves Lives

June 1 , 2022

"At least 19 elementary school children and two teachers are dead, many more are injured, and a grandmother is fighting for her life in Uvalde, Tex., all because a young man, armed with an AR-15-style rifle, decided to fire in a school. "

"Science points to laws that would work to reduce shootings, to lower death. Among the simplest would be better permitting laws with fewer loopholes. When Missouri repealed its permit law, gun-related killings increased by 25 percent. Another would be to ban people who are convicted of violent crime from buying a gun. In California, before the state passed such a law, people convicted of crimes were almost 30 percent more likely to be arrested again for a gun or violent crime than those who, after the law, couldn’t buy a gun. "

"By enacting simple laws that make guns safer and harder to get, we can prevent killings like the ones in Uvalde and Buffalo " By of Scientific American, on

The Science Is Clear: Gun Control Saves Lives