The First Overdose-Reversal Drug Approved for Over-The-Counter Sale

April 28, 2023

A long awaited decision has been made recently by the FDA as the Emergent BioSolutions’ Narcan nasal spray is the first overdose-reversal drug approved for over-the-counter sale and community use.

The naloxone spray, with effects in a couple of minutes, represents a step forward to decreasing the number of overdose deaths, which have been devastatingly high for the last decades in the US. 

“Naloxone is the most important tool available to respond to this high-risk environment, and we need aggressive action to reverse the devastating trend in deaths.

We can start with liberating naloxone, in all its formulations (including injections), from prescription requirements, not just in oe, more costly, nasal spray. It has long deserved OTC designation in every form; it is safe and effective, has no potential for abuse, and can be used by anyone without training.”