Exploring the Impact of Ocean-Related Issues on Human Health

May 02, 2024

Millions of tons of minuscule plastic fragments are infiltrating the world's oceans, eventually making their way into human bodies. Often ingested by marine life like fish and shellfish, these plastics transfer to humans upon consumption of seafood. Alongside plastic particles, marine-related issues such as algal blooms are detrimentally impacting both aquatic ecosystems and human well-being.

To tackle these challenges, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are collaboratively sponsoring four novel Centers for Oceans and Human Health while renewing two existing ones under a marine-focused health research initiative. Each center will delve into distinct aspects of the intricate interplay between the environment, climate, and human health. With a combined investment exceeding $42 million over five years, this initiative extends a two-decade-long partnership between the agencies, promoting interdisciplinary cooperation among biomedical researchers, physical and oceanographic scientists, and community stakeholders.

Henrietta Edmonds, a program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences, expressed enthusiasm for the ongoing collaboration with NIH, highlighting the transformative potential of uniting geoscientists, health scientists, and community partners to address pressing inquiries.

SOURCE: https://new.nsf.gov/news/new-research-centers-will-investigate-effects-ocean