Milestones in NASA’s endeavors for advanced aviation safety research

October 22, 2023

NASA's aeronautical experts have reached a significant milestone in their quest for advanced aviation safety technology capable of preemptively identifying hazards. They are conducting this research within the System-Wide Safety project, collaborating with government, industry, and academia partners. 

Recently, they achieved Technical Challenge 1 (TC-1), focusing on Terminal Area Risk Management. TC-1 is the inaugural step toward realizing an In-Time Aviation Safety Management System, a novel safety technology designed to address potential risks, which are expected to rise with the increased demand for diverse aircraft in the National Airspace System. 

As aviation operations expand in scale and diversity, and with the prospect of new flight modes on the horizon, the challenge of maintaining safe skies becomes more intricate. 

Kyle Ellis, NASA's System-Wide Safety project manager, highlighted that TC-1 represents just the beginning of the possibilities, potentially ushering in a new aviation economy benefiting society.